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How We Screen Your Rental Applicants in Hampton Roads, VA

How We Screen Your Rental Applicants in Hampton Roads, VA

Property management would be easier with a crystal ball. You could look into the future and make every decision with 100% confidence. But without that crystal ball, your choices must be calculated based on having the best information to hand.

That's why a tenant criminal background check is a crucial tool in property management. Read on to learn more about this tenant screening process in Hampton Roads and how to get it right.

Information Gathering and Consent

By law, you must gain an applicant's consent before running a criminal background check. You'll want this consent in writing, so get your applicant to complete and sign a form.

That form should request personal information from the applicant, including their social security number, full name, and previous addresses, which you'll need to use to run the background check.

Start the Tenant Verification Process

Not all tenant screenings are the same. Many focus solely on a credit check, which rarely gives a complete picture of a rental applicant.

At Renters Warehouse, we will give you the most comprehensive check on a potential applicant, leaving no stone unturned.

That way, you dramatically reduce your risk of accepting a troublesome tenant and the costs associated with that. Our thorough checks include criminal and credit history, as well as previous landlord checks.

Reviewing the Tenant's Background

Once you have all the information from the screening, it's time to look at it.

Establish what you will accept from a tenant and what crime would leave you with no choice but to reject that applicant. Not all criminal history means a tenant is a risk to you or your property.

You should also take note of state laws in Virginia. These laws cover aspects like not discriminating against potential rental applicants.

Make a Decision

When deciding, look at all your information about that tenant, including any criminal background history.

Ask yourself whether the nature of the crime could impact that person's ability to be a reliable tenant, like increasing the odds of rental property damage.

The timing of the crime also matters. A minor crime from twenty years ago is unlikely to be as problematic as a more severe, violent crime committed recently.

Check Compliance With the Law

Before finalizing your decision, do one final check against state law to ensure you are fully comply. You may want to use a professional real estate team to assist here, as they will have the most up-to-date knowledge on legislation.

The Fair Housing Act means you can't discriminate against a tenant based on protected characteristics like race.

Communicate Your Decision

If you accept a tenant with a criminal background, communicating that decision is straightforward.

It's harder to convey a rejection, but you must get it right. Be transparent about how and why you made your decision, and be prompt and professional with your feedback.

Protecting Your Investment With a Tenant Criminal Background Check

Don't skip the stage of getting a tenant criminal background check. Even the most likable applicant could have a history you wouldn't predict, and a background check will protect your property investment.

At Renters Warehouse, your investment is in safe hands. Our Hampton Roads team are experts in the local real estate market and can guide you in all aspects of property management. Review our services here.
