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Are Tenants Responsible for Pest Control in Virginia Beach? Find Out Now

Are Tenants Responsible for Pest Control in Virginia Beach? Find Out Now

People have been battling pests since at least 2500 B.C. Pest control methods have changed, but the basic problem hasn't.

As a landlord, pests threaten your property and your ability to attract good tenants. You have an interest in preventing them. Are tenants responsible for pest control too?

Learn more here about landlord and tenant pest control duties in Virginia Beach.

Are Tenants Responsible for Pest Control?

Pest control is a joint responsibility for the tenant and the landlord in Virginia Beach. The Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act requires landlords to keep the property in a habitable condition. This includes addressing pest infestations.

The law also states that tenants must take an active role in preventing pest infestations. If a pest infestation occurs, the tenant must tell the landlord as soon as possible.

If the tenant is found to be responsible for the problem or didn't report it soon enough, the landlord can seek financial reimbursement for the pest treatment. Virginia Beach rental pest policies usually specify these details.

Tenant pest control duties vary depending on the type of rental. In multi-family housing, the landlord has more responsibility.

In single-family homes, the tenant is usually responsible for pest control. If pests were already present when the tenant moved in, though, the landlord must try to address the issue.

Landlord Pest Obligations

Landlords can take several steps to prevent and address pest infestations. First, you can help your tenants be proactive about pest control. Be sure that all your tenants have information about how to discourage pests in their unit and how to react if an infestation occurs.

Landlords should conduct regular preventive treatments. Before any new tenants move in, you should verify that the unit is pest free. Periodic inspections can help find any new infestations before they spread.

If any pests are reported to be present, you need to exterminate them as soon as possible. You'll usually need to work with a professional pest management company.

Tenant Pest Control Duties

Tenants can help prevent pests by following some simple precautions. They should keep the unit clean and remove food waste promptly. Pets should be treated regularly for fleas.

If a tenant sees pests or thinks they might be present, they should report it immediately to the landlord.

Having pest control lease terms is a good idea. You have a signed document verifying that tenants understand their responsibilities.

However, you can't shift the entire obligation to tenants. The Virginia Court of Appeals recently ruled that lease agreements don't override the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. The landlord is ultimately responsible for keeping the property habitable.

Partner with Your Tenants for Effective Pest Control

The question was: Are tenants responsible for pest control? The answer is: partially. You can give your tenants tools to help keep your property pest free. Information on good pest prevention as well as periodic inspections can help prevent an infestation.

A good property management company can help with your landlord pest obligations. Renters Warehouse has been helping property owners in Virginia Beach since 2007. Our maintenance and property inspection services will help prevent pests and deal with them quickly when necessary.

Schedule a free consultation with Renters Warehouse today to learn how our property management team can help with pest management in rentals.
